Friday, 25 January 2013

New Addition To My Magazine

When I completed my pages for my magazine I asked some people for their views on it. One person I asked was my teacher and he gave me some feedback on how I can improve my work. These are the improvements he suggested:

1.      On the cover he liked the image and layout but he thought the background perhaps needed to be brighter? He felt something was missing. Also on the cover he felt that there were too many headlines and a lot of them didn’t relate to my genre.
2.      On the contents page he again liked my image and layout but he felt it needed an editor’s comment/introduction.
3.      For the double page spread my teacher loved the layout and thought it read well, the only improvement was to make sure my articles are in line and to make my film strip photo bigger on the page.

Because of these comments I have changed my magazine a little so above you should see new versions of my work.

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