Tuesday, 16 October 2012

My Analysis For A Fornt Cover Of A Pop Magazine

My analysis for a front cover of a pop magazine
For my analysis I have decided to evaluate the front cover of this pop magazine. This magazine ‘Top of the pops’ is possibly the most famous pop magazines in the music industry and has been around for many years! I know that the target audience for this magazine is for teen girls because…

The first thing that draws my eye on this magazine is the ‘Mast Head’ this is written in large bold text at the top left of the page. This is because when the magazine is on the shelves only the top of the magazine can be seen; this is why the mast head is placed there. They have also put the font in a pink glittery serif font which shows me that the target audience is for young girls.

Most magazines use pictures of top celebrity’s on the front cover so that attract the reader to buy them. The main image of this magazine is a large image of a famous UK pop singer ‘Jessie J’.  The image of her has been taken at a Medium close up which helps focus on her face. This is so that she stands out more, so her fans see the image and buy the magazine to read about her. The image has been used as the full background of this magazine and everything else has been placed on top of the image making sure it doesn’t block the face though. Notice how the background of this picture is white; this makes her and the text stand out more. And also because she is dressed in black this makes the pink girly colours seen and stand out on top.

The main cover line on a magazine is the main story in the magazine and is always related to the main image.  It is always somewhere near the main image and is always put in a large font so that it is easy to see. For example in this magazine the main image is Jessie J and the main cover line is ‘Jessie J tells her own incredible story “I’ve beaten my heaters!”’ This main cover line relates to the main image which is Jessie J.

Another way I know that the target audience for this magazine is teen girls is because of the house style. House style is used for any type of magazine, it is the theme and colours used which is repeated throughout the magazine. For this magazine the house style is pink, red, purple and white. This is used effectively because they all stand out on top of Jessie J’s black clothes and the text which has been placed on top of the white back ground like pink, red and purple stands out as well.

Also on the front cover has plugs on, plugs are more information about what’s inside the magazine. But there will only be about four or five plugs on the front cover because the contents page is for listing about what’s inside not the front cover. Only the top stories will published on the front cover so that they attract the customer to buy the magazine to read more! For example on this magazine the plugs which have been used are ‘who is the fittest? Justin & Harry battle out’ this is on the front cover because the writers know that the majority of teen girls will want to read about Justin and Harry because they are both very famous pop singers! Notice how they have also written a rhetorical question in the plug ‘who is the fittest?’ they don’t actually want you to give them an answer they want you to think about your answer in your head and want to read more about the article. Everything on the cover is written for a reason, to persuade the customer to buy the magazine to read more.  They make sure they use the correct words to draw the reader in, for example another plug is ‘GaGa at school, her secret past uncovered’ the word ‘secret’ and ‘uncovered’ have been used so that  the readers think they are going to read something new about her, something no one else knows.

Puffs are also used on the cover of magazines to persuade the customer to buy the magazine. For example the puffs used on this front cover are:

·         Incredible

·         Fittest

·         Hottest

·         Secret

·         Uncovered

·         Embarrassing

·         Spooky 

These are used so that they persuade the customer to buy the magazine to read more. The words sound exciting and catch your eye. Normally they will but in large font so that the word stands out.


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