Friday, 12 October 2012

My School Magazine 'Contents page' Evaluation

My Contents Page Evaluation
In this task I had to create a contents page for a school magazine which will go together with my front cover which I made. So just before creating my page I had to make sure I researched conventions of a contents page for and school magazine. This is very similar any other magazine, it needs the lists of page topics so that the reader can find a topic then want to read and also it needs page numbers next to the topics so they can go to the page in which they are interested in reading about.  Also on this page I needed to make sure the page kept with the house style which I had done on my front cover. This consists of the colours blue and black.
Because I already knew the cover stories what I was going to put inside, I could get straight on to taking pictures which would relate to my topics. I spent half an hour in a lesson taking my pictures, making sure I thought about camera angles so that they looked professional on my contents page. Then I moved on to starting to put my page together on photo shop. Because I had experience using the tools to create my front cover, this task wasn’t as hard because I already knew what I was doing. First I made sure my house style was the same so I added a blue background to my page, and made sure this layer was at the bottom of the list so every other layer showed up on top. I also added some text onto my page by using the ‘text tool’ which allows you to add text anywhere on the page. The text which I added to my page was my page topics and numbers so that it looked like it was a real magazine. After adding my page listings I added pictures which relate to the page topics next to each page number so that it is more eye catching and interesting for the reader.

In this task I have learnt how to use the program ‘Photo Shop’ and have also learnt about the conventions of any magazine and for a school magazine. Altogether, I am happy with the results and think I met my own target which was to make this look as professional as I could.

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