Tuesday, 16 October 2012

My second analysis for a pop magazine contents page!


For my second analysis of a pop magazine, I have decided to look at the contents page of a ‘W love pop’ magazine. This will help me understand the codes and conventions of a contents page and will help me get some different ideas for my own.
Because the first thing I notice about a contents page is that they always have some text at the top of the page, I know I need to make sure that’s what mine has. Another example would be on this magazine which says ‘we love this…’ and then below would be a list of everything which is featured inside.
Notice how this contents page has a different layout to the first one I looked at. See how down the right hand side of the page there are pictures of the topic, numbers below and a little bit of description below them. This gives the page layout and makes the page look more interesting. 
 Another difference in this layout is that there is a main image to go with the main cover line in the middle of the page. This attracts the reader to read about their main story which they will most likely have paid a lot to get. For example they might have paid for an interview or for a photo shoot so they need as many people to buy the magazine so they can make the money back.

On this page the house style is the colours blue white and orange these are bright colours which will make the page look presentable. The font is printed in the colours of the house style so that they blend in with the theme and stand out on a white back ground. Each picture on the page relates to the genre and the story topic.

On some contents pages they even include ‘puffs’ which helps persuade the reader to turn to that page. For example on this page there is one at the bottom left of the page which says ‘Hot posters’ this will attract the reader.

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