Thursday, 27 September 2012


The first thing that catches my eye on this magazine is the big main image of Twilights main role Robert Pattinson and straight away i know that the main story in the magazine will be about him. It has been printed to cover the whole page on the magazine so that it stands out.

The next thing my eyes are drawn to is the 'Mast Head' (title) which is printed in large bold red text which is sans serif. It has been placed at the top of the cover so that when on the magazine racks in the shops the magazine title stands. The reason why the mast head is printed like this is so that it catches the public's eye and so it stands out.

The bar code on the magazine is at the bottom left hand side, it’s not very big as it is only used to scan when paying.

The price on the magazine is at the top left hand side, it is printed in small font this is so that the price won’t put of the reader from buying it.

A main cover line is a sentence which is based on the main story inside the magazine. Also most of the time it will be related to the main image on the cover of the magazine. On this cover it has been placed at the bottom of the page in big yellow font so that you know what the main story is about.

Also the word 'free posters' which is at the top left of the cover is printed in a yellow font to make it look important. This is a example of a 'plug' because it is telling you what else is inside the magazine to try and convince you to buy it.

At the bottom left hand side of the magazine is the words 'fantastic exclusive' in white text in a red box. This is an example of a 'puff'. A 'puff' is exciting words which attract the reader.

Under the Mast head is a Strap line. This is to gives the reader more info about the magazine! For example on this cover it says 'the world's biggest movie magazine'.


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